Apples, piled in a footed compote, herbs hung with twine from hooks on the kitchen wall, wool rugs on the floor, heaps of squash in a basket, and a handful of felted acorns on a tray - these are the touches of fall now in the little house.
To me, home is the story of life, of days, of seasons, of years. It's not about decorating a set, about inventing a dream, or about hiding from the world. It's about honoring the four walls and roof that hold our most treasured souls and encircle every dimension of our story - the haphazard, the harmonious, the hilarious, and the happenstance. Life, it seems, needs little decorating. Just take the most beautiful things you can find outside, bring them in, and there you go. Humble branches, late season fruit, fallen leaves, nuts in their shells - there's autumn, truly and simply as ever was.
And, if you're feeling a little whimsical, maybe add to that something of acorn caps and roving from wooly sheep. Felted acorns, the only part of autumn I keep tucked away to bring out from year to year. The day I made them with the boys and their friend-girls couldn't have been so long ago.
They're a bit of happy handmade autumn, simply created using wool roving, acorn caps, hot water, soap, and glue. You may want to give them a go. But, fair warning: your supply may quickly dwindle as you scoop from the dish and pour them into visiting friends' hands, or wrap them in linen pouches, to give as hostess gifts on Thanksgiving Day.
Helpful sources:
+ roving
+ felting
Shelter Collection Building Plans Are Now On Sale!
Have you been looking for a tastefully designed, small house plan that lives large? You may just find what you've been seeking in the Shelter Collection - four small floor plans, based on our little house, designed for gracious living in 1100-1400 square feet. Find the study plans & building plans here. All building plans are currently 25% off! Fall sale ends on Thanksgiving Day.