It's an effective illusion when summer seems endless at the beginning of June. You believe it'll stretch on and on in long and languid days. Oh, but it goes by as quickly as a sunset!
So the recent convergence with calendar and husband to plot slots for things like boys in boats. Strategy. Intention. Purpose. The armature beneath the adventure; the framework for memories. Don't underestimate the mighty power of ink to paper within a small numbered box. The line of a pen makes space in our days for whatever is deemed worthy of our time.
Here's how we try to keep the summer as long as possible:
+ Time block. I separate my days into general blocks of time for writing, fitness, gardening, working, boy time, mealtime, and off time. Just last Saturday, I told our youngest, at 3:00, I'd stop whatever I was doing and we'd go float the river.
+ Write it down. If it's a doctor appointment, we write it down. Why not mark the calendar for a lake day?
+ Recharge. Don't discount those 10-15 minutes for the morning tea, the chapter in the book, the row or two of knitting. Naps are good, too.
+ Make extra. When making a dinner meal for your crowd, make enough for two night's worth. How about that? You've just given yourself an upcoming night off!
+ Trade. Screen time for board games? Oh, yes. A game at the picnic table under the shade tree with your people just sounds like summer! We've got Uno, Quitch, Farkle, chess, and poker. We'd like to add: Chinese checkers, checkers, and cribbage. And for the lawn, maybe badminton?
+ Eat out. Outside, that is. Speaking of the picnic table under the shade tree, now that the annual latter-June cottonwood 'snow storm' is past, we can resume taking our meals outside. This makes me happy.
And you? How do you keep the summer slow?
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