Good morning, loves.
Well now, we've not had the typical week around here, have we? It feels a bit like time warped and I lost a few days. These things happen when this happens, I suppose. And speaking of, let me just say how loved I've felt through all of it - from texts and comments and messages, to phone calls and dinners for the family, there's no doubt that I'm in the best of company. Hugs to all of you for your best wishes on my recovery!
And now, as you can see by the calendar up there, I'm off to North Carolina for Spring Market in High Point! I know this seems like a wild idea on the heels of my recent inferm days, but it's been in the works for months and the doctor felt confident that I could go as long as I was careful. I will be the slow traveler, who hitches a ride on the motorized cart to her next gate and asks fellow passengers to lift her bag to and from the overhead bin. I'll be wearing my denim dress, in which, as you know, I look like a Lost Boy of Peter Pan fame, what with how they're dressed in nightshirts as they sail out the bedroom window and all. This is perfect, because I want to travel in my pajamas anyway, so a nightshirt has to be the next best thing.
I'll be meeting up with online friends for the first time in person, and at the tail end of the trip, I'll get to spend time with my Mom. I'll be instagramming along the way, and I'll see you back here on the blog on Monday, April 25.
Wishing you the loveliest of weekends, friends!
P.S. Don't forget that we're into the last week of the Spring Sale on the Shelter Collection building plans! Details and links below.
Spring House Plan Sale!! Save 25% off through April 21, 2016 on all building plans in the Shelter Collection!
Have you been looking for a tastefully designed, small house plan that lives large? You may just find what you've been seeking in the Shelter Collection - four small floor plans designed for gracious living in 900-1400 square feet. Find the study plans & building plans here.