Two of the past three days were sunny, near 60° and oh-so-spring-like. It was really no surprise then when my early-morning time was spent scrolling through my garden board, then typing things like 'greenhouse', 'cold frame', and 'fruit cage' into the search engine, and taking notes on what I found. No surprise, either, when my daytime was spent out in that sunshine, rake in hand, cleaning up, getting ready.
Time to plan the garden (and in the mean time, plant some late-bloom pots of narcissus and a tray or two of wheat grass). Time to plan landscaping (now's a great time, when there's neither snow nor grass to obscure the ground). Time to decide where the raspberries and strawberries will go (and how to protect them). Time to choose which kind of tree to plant in that spot where the odd, abandoned flower bed is. Time to inventory hoses and sprinklers. Time to come up with an irrigation plan that will be better than last year (we inherited the keeping of nearly five acres of lawn).
There's such promise in the air when spring is near. I'm ready to rouse from winter. Ready for green, ready for growth, ready for bloom.
You too?
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