I gobbled this one up in a matter of days. Simple Matters by Erin Boyle. Those of us in Erin's following could finally let out a collective exhale (and a squeal of delight) when this much-anticipated book released two weeks ago and we could at last hold it in our hands and sink into its pages, its photos, its words, its message. The message that goes like this:
Lives are complicated. In the same years that we were learning to make our home, we endured other deeply human experiences. We experienced death and crime and sudden grief. We continued falling in love. We missed our families. We wrung our hands about our careers. We plotted our futures. In some moments, we felt unspeakable joy. And we found that life isn't always simple. But the curtains can be.
That's what this book is about. The simple decisions and practices and objects and habits that make up the backdrop of our tumultuous lives. It's a book about the pleasure of simple materials and honest design and the advantage of slowing down. It offers approaches to making a home that are gentler on the planet, but also gentler on ourselves, on our bank accounts, on our sense of self.
- Erin Boyle, Simple Matters
Written into nine chapters, each offering eye-opening suggestions for decluttering, simplifying, organizing, decorating, bath & beauty, getting dressed, cooking & entertaining, cleaning, and thriving, the book gives actionable steps toward living wholly, purely, simply. There's good stuff on every page, but my favorite has to be in the final chapter on Thriving. Erin illuminates for us how to thrive, not because of what we have, but in spite of what we don't.
It's a quiet book, the kind you'll want to read while cocooned in a wool throw, a cup of hot tea in hand.
I'd like to give one of you a copy. To enter, leave a comment here, saying what is most inspiring to you about the thought of living simply.
Drawing will close Sunday, January 31, at 10:00 pm, MST.
UPDATE: The winner has been randomly chosen! Congratulations Teresa! I just sent you an email with the good news! Thank you to all of you who entered, your thoughts on simplicity are enlightening and encouraging.
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