Words about contentment inspired this series that celebrates ingenuity, creativity, and resourcefulness. Join me in the comments and share what you've done with what you have.
I only had about an hour. Hauled all those sticks and grasses in, put them on the floor, kitchen chairs, table, wherever. Started in, making.
In a moment, it all came back to me, those floral designing days when we would be buried (literally) in flowers, branches, leaves, stems, petals, creating something that may, at the start, be seen only hazily in our mind's eye, but that was enough.
Just begin.
Put this here, place that there. Cut this one this length and that one a little longer; the next one shorter. Soon, our hands would just know, and would take over, and we'd stand back, in a way, and watch this beauty unfold.
Who knew all that could become this?
To a grapvine base (thrifted for $2) I anchored the foraged willow branches and grasses I'd gathered last weekend. The simplicity of it balanced out it's size, all of four feet across, and was perfect for this Thanksgiving season.
But, come December, I think I'll add some winter to the wreath (cedar tips and pinecones come to mind), though our overnight snow looks to be doing a bit of that already.
Do what you can with what you have.
Have you been looking for a tastefully designed, small house plan that lives large? You may just find what you've been seeking in the newly-released Shelter Collection - four small floor plans designed for gracious living in 900-1400 square feet, the first, second, & third have released, the fourth is coming soon. Peruse the collection here.