When a wave hits, wicked and unexpected. When you become numb and motion feels frozen and stiff. When breath is an effort. When the pendulum of time nearly demolishes you. When you cry like you haven't in a very long time.
When the sun shines on a new day, and you have assurance that all will be well. When eyes are open and lips break a smile.
When the heart yet quivers.
That's when beauty comes by the armload.
You saw it there, blooming in the distant neighbor's yard, a mass of fragrant blooms. And you didn't hesitate. You walked right up their drive, smiled and said hello.
Then, you asked. Asked for much; for a large bouquet. You asked for an abundance. Right there from the garden of perfect strangers.
And the kind lady looked into your eyes and said yes, most certainly.
You were quiet as you snipped those blooms, and you nearly cried. A mass of beauty piled at your feet, solace scooped up and cradled in your arms for the slow walk home.
The evening sun touched warm, lighting the edges of everything golden. Through the glass, across the blooms, into your world.