You might be able to guess how it was, exactly, that we ended our weekend. Face time, talk time, and laugh time, all rolled up into one. And that was after chicken salad for dinner, around 7:30, and an attack of refrigerator cleaning just before that. Some weekends are ordered and perfect, like a tall layer cake. Others are thrown together and blended on high.
Which is okay, because at the end of the fast whirl is a bit of slow, and you get to hear things that you'd never want to miss.
Like that tall boy, talking about the giant (we're talking 6-8 inch tall) "Cardiac Arrest" hamburger that he'd eaten in town when he was lunching with friends. He was quite taken with it, seeing as how food, at this stage in his life, is ranked right next to oxygen.
And that middle boy, just now finished with basketball season, told how he can throw the football the length of the gym and make a basket. Football will always be his first love.
The youngest one came in from his out with hugs for my neck and news. Always full of news, that one, which he had to share while at the same time rolling around on the floor with his (second?) favorite girl.
These days.
They are a beautiful tangle of people we love and things we do, each one of us reaching for those things that inspire and delight, each day full of chances to get up from our falling down. We are fair doses of kind and naughty, exasperated and loving, giving and selfish, lazy and inspired. Five souls who desperately love each other, who get to share this life together, who can make a darn beautiful mess.
Wishing you a lovely week's beginning, friends!
P.S. The give-away winners have been announced! Check the post to see if you've won!