And there was laundry to fold. And that load of whites, only half-dry, waited on the chair for its turn in the dryer again, because the basketball uniform had to be quick-dried first – there’s that game in a couple of hours. (And on the computer, Holly Becker’s website, Decor8, because you remembered, mid-laundering, that she was going to show her arriving-any-day-now baby boy’s nursery reveal. Of course you had to take a look.)
And your mind wanders as you fold that laundry. All those napkins, goodness. Must not have been a single clean one left in the basket down the hatch in the banquette, where they’re kept. And, napkin after napkin, you think about clothing and laundry and how it’s changed since the little house – well, since the camper, really, that kick-start into small space living.
Once upon a time in your life, there was a walk-in closet. Now? Now, you have eighteen inches of hanging rod space in your bedside wardrobe to call your own, and really? That seems to be enough (and, oh how luxurious did eighteen inches feel after having had only nine inches of hanging space in the camper that winter!). Of course there are those four drawers for t-shirts, undergarments, and athletic clothes in the wardrobe to the right of the desk, four each for your man and you, and those three under-bed totes each, like drawers under the bed. That’s where you keep your bulkier things, like sweaters and jeans.
And you think about how it’s time to purge your wardrobe again. Thin out the things you rarely wear. Yes, J.Crew shirt, I’m talking about you. And North Face running shirt that’s just too short? Time to go. And why on earth would you keep three pair of wool tights when all you ever wear is one? Time to pack up a bagful and make a few dollars at the consignment shop on main street in the next town over.
And that brings your thoughts back to the laundry. And how it rarely seems to be a monster anymore. How the three hamper-crates upstairs, and the big hamper basket in the wardrobe downstairs hold the dirty just fine. How washing, then drying one load nearly every evening, then warming the load in the dryer for a bit to loosen the wrinkles before folding them in the morning, seems to work just fine, too. Sometimes, the machines are humming during the day, and on weekends, too – yes, it’s real life around here, but over all, you can’t help but be in love with the fact that fewer clothes makes less laundry. And of course, having those six boy hands folding and putting away their own is a bonus all around.
Wishing you the loveliest of weekends, friends!
In case you’re curious about our washer and dryer, they are:
WM1355HW 24" LG compact front load washer similar
DLEC855W 24" LG compact ventless dryer similar
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