A precious baby girl is making her way into a family we know. I got to celebrate her coming arrival with a gathering of women this weekend.
And I knew what I wanted to give.
A hand-knit gift. Sweet booties - a pattern (found here, via Soulemama) that I’ve had filed away for a while now, waiting for the right time.
The right time came out of the blue, with little warning. No matter. No matter that the yarn shop keeper threw back his head and laughed out loud on Wednesday as I was telling him that this yarn was for a gift that would be given on Sunday. No matter that I finished sewing up the seams, weaving in the ends, and stitching the buttons on mere minutes before I headed out the door for the party. No matter that one idea lead to another, and I wished so badly that I’d had more time. (No matter that, too many other times, I’ve totally missed special days, with their special gifts, for special people. Sigh.)

But, after several hours with the tiniest of wooden needles in my hands, there they were, booties for Arabelle. With vintage shell buttons, I might add. So excited about that. A sewing friend with a most impressive vintage button collection insisted that I come and choose four from among her treasures to stitch onto these booties. Really? Are you sure? Yes, she said. Most assuredly sure.

The wee booties with their shell buttons were given in this, a linen monogrammed gift bag. Yes, one idea did lead to another, and some of that precious little time was spent stitching! Which reminds me, I’ve got this idea about how I can use up the leftover yarn…maybe this…can you imagine, in variegated, with a shell button at the shoulder?
Hmm. She won’t be arriving for another six or seven weeks, I think there’s time.
Have a lovely Monday, friends!