Uh, Thursday morning people? How're you doin'? Feeling okay?
Good. Cause I'm not sure I am.
I have a confession to make.
Remember awhile back when I made you some Winter Soup? Well, I discovered something about that day that has me nervous...
It was a busy kitchen sort of afternoon, with lots of food being prepared and lots of kids with the camera. You know, your typical hub-bub, and at the time, I had no idea anything was amiss. Then, I took the photos off my camera and saw some great shots of the soup. Fine. But, then there were some shots of me.
Not so fine.
Because, People? I matched the soup!
Here, take a look:
Ever-lovin' People? What's wrong with me?!
Is this evidence of a deep mental fissure? Some sort of sickness or imbalance? Is it freaking you out, too?
I matched the soup, for Pete's sake!
It's like when a wife has to match what her husband is wearing, only this is much, much worse. It's coordination running amok like a crazed lunatic!
Just picture it:
Me, selecting my clothes in the morning: "Hmm, let's see, I'm going make Winter Soup today...lentils, carrots, celery, onion...Ooo! Ooo! I'm gunna wear this scarf, this shirt, this sweater, and these earrings.Yes! Yes! Yes! Orange! Green! White! And silver to match the pot! Wheee-heee!!!"
I matched the soup!
People, I don't even know where to go from here.
Except maybe to say that yesterday, I discovered another crater in my mental functions.
In yesterday's post, I was yammering on about "winter's simple palette," yada-yada-yada. And I linked back to a post where I had yammered something about that already, using some sort of fancy words like, "Summer's abundant pallette lay frozen and quiet..."
Um, Thursday morning People?
There's a difference between palette and pallette.
We all know that a palette is: "A thin, oval or rectangular board or tablet with a hole for the thumb at one end by which a painter holds it and on which he lays and mixes pigments."
Yes. A palette.
But, a pallette? Well, a pallette is: "One of the plates at the armpits of a suit of armor."
So, People? What I had actually written that day and posted for all the world to read was this:
"Summer's abundant armpit plates lay frozen and quiet..."
Armpit plates?
That's it. Call in the back-ups,
While I dial the therapist (I wonder what colors she'll be wearing...)
Have a lovely weekend, friends! I'll be taking an extended weekend (aren't you glad?) See you back here on Tuesday!