We still keep saying to ourselves, "We really live here?" We never want to leave this wonderful little town and its friendly people!
A man recently described it as 'finding Mayberry'. Yes, Mayberry. In the west.
And Mayberry-in-the-west-at-Christmas? Where you get to attend a holiday party in a hundred-year-old barn? And go caroling on a hay wagon through sugar-draped trees to back-country homesteads? Where heaters and hot food welcome you back to where the grandpas and grandmas have stayed, and the hum of friendly chatter mixes with the patter-patter of child play in the loft?
Yes, Mayberry.
Our Mayberry!
* * * * *
A lovely Christmas and holiday weekend to all of you who take the time to read here so often. You really mean so much to me! I'm off now to wrap things up, enjoy family and friends, cook some food, give some gifts, and relax! I'll be back here sometime next week.