We don't know where he gets it. Certainly not from his parents. No, his parents who are, should we say, technically challenged (to put it mildly), could in no way be responsible for passing on to their offspring any genes of savvy whatsoever.
When this boy asked, then pleaded, then begged me to download an animation program called Blender for him, lest he die, I agreed, but with the disclaimer of, "You're on your own, Buddy," knowing there was no way I was going to be able to help him understand how to operate this one. Undaunted by this, he set out to find every book written about the Blender program that he could find. Now with every spare chance he gets, he chews and digests a little bit more of the latest adult-level book, then takes it to the desk, turns on the computer, and gives it a go.
He's loving it.
Slowly, but not too slowly, really, (it's only been two days with the latest book?) we're seeing a moving model of an electron orbiting a nucleus take shape on the screen, this being methodically explained to us in his familiar voice, with a bunch of techno-fancy words thrown in.
Uh, he's our boy?