When you're having a nice picnic outside in the springtime sun, you may find that your camera winds up in other hands, which is fine, because - well, because of this:
And this:
And this:
And even this:
But then, something happens in that springtime sun; a strange phenomenon that may take you your entire life to fully understand (or comprehend).
**A warning to those who prefer serious and straight-laced: now is your chance to click away. Now. Do it now!**
Because what you're about to see is neither.
Oh, dear. Here is comes.
Click away!
Can you tell that there was no premeditation or thought going into the actions of that boy in the blue shirt?
It came as it was.
It came as it did?
It came as it may?
It came.
It just came.
This, people, is what happens when a boy hangs up his brain. (Which they are known to do from time to time.)
Things cometh.
Things cometh too nigheth for your comforteth.
Um. Uh.
"Honey, where did you say you found this kid?"
"Do they accept returns?"
This is warped good humor, here. Good humor, people.
All I can really say is, I'm sorry, dear readers.
So sorry to have influenced your lovely Tuesday with images such as these.
Just be glad that I censored the cheese-eating shots.
There are some things that shouldn't be seen by anyone.