Yes! A delightful paper-folding project, an overnight dry, and we have a paper sculpture!
And, get this, after I posted the beginning of this project yesterday, I was visiting Design*Sponge, perusing their latest, and wouldn't you know, there before my eyes was a post about the very thing I was making, only with a brilliant twist!
How does this happen, this little hum of an idea coming to life one side of the country, then brr-ring!, there it is, fully alive on the other side of the country, and somehow, those two delights cross paths in the same day?!
Simply delightful, lovely little coincidences, that's what they are.
And while I contemplate such lovely coincidences, I'll be sitting here, wearing my horn-rim glasses, my wool plaid skirt, tights, and cashmere cardigan, with a stack of tattered volumes by my side.