This is how three boys enjoy the pool given to us by our neighbors across the street.
This is how they enjoy the zip line over the pool that was given to us by our neighbors across the street.
Even more enjoyable, is spitting a mouthful of water at your brothers as you zip down the zip line and splash into the pool that was given to us by our neighbors across the street.
This is how you patiently wait, loaded and ready for your turn to ride the zip line into the pool that was given to us by our neighbors across the street. (For some reason, just looking at this photo makes me feel like I need to empty my bladder.)
And this is how you surf on a boogie board across the pool that was given to us by the neighbors across the street!
The splashing; the zipping and splashing; the zipping, spitting and splashing; the zipping, spitting, surfing and splashing across the pool that was given to us by our neighbors across the street is some kind of fun! Some kind of fun that can take it right out of ya if you're a boy.
After a while, you just might feel like this...
Wait! Hang on just one second...I'm a little distracted, here.
Distracted by this guy. My gaze keeps wandering his way; can't help myself.
He skims the pool that was given to us by our neighbors across the street.
Oh, my.
My, my, my.