Get ready, folks, for some outside-the-box entertainment!
Some excited boy hands rattled through the silverware drawer, grabbed a big spoon, and raced with it into the living room to tape it securely to the end of a string-less bow, which was then jammed between the cushions of the couch, the cushion itself heavy with the weight of exactly one atlas, three history encyclopedias, and one dumb bell (otherwise known around here as a "dumb weight").
Almost ready.
The camera man adjusts the Flip far across the room in the foyer, to capture just the right angle.
Almost, almost ready.
Fast little feet dash to the bedroom, on the hunt for The Turtle. The little-animal bucket is grabbed, turned upside down, little animals tumbling everywhere. Because that's just how you find the turtle. The blue turtle with a silver shell. The one that has sand inside him.
Found it!
Can't stop now to put all the other little animals back in their little-animal bucket, because a camera man waits, a catapult waits, excitement waits in the other room, waits for you and the little blue turtle in your sweaty little hand.
Ready, men? Load the catapult!
Okay! Ready! On three, two, one--LAUNCH!!
Go, Turtle!! GO, TURTLE!!
We're beside ourselves, giddy with excitement, because we're quite sure that he's the first turtle to experience something of this velocity. My, we're proud!
Every launch is better than the last for our Turtle.
He's amazing. Just amazing.
He left the slow life behind for something daring, dangerous, and a little scary.
He became our hero.