A note, filled with hearts, ready to be sent to a girl!
Valentine's Day is coming, you know, and when the mama in the house has been busy all week with a writing assignment and hasn't had time to come up with her own Valentine ideas, where should she turn? This one caught my eye. It was a perfect idea for three boys to make for their secret pen pals this month.
When they signed up to be secret pen pals last fall, the boys just happened to get paired up with three girls, which they weren't too keen on at first. They just weren't sure what to do with girl pen pals. I mean, how many flowers, rainbows, and butterflies can a boy draw, anyway? Needless to say, every month when it is pen pal card-making time, there is alot of head scratching going on around here.
But on Valentine's Day it's a different story. The pink-y and purple-y colors that usually make the fellas cringe, are the top choice for one day, and one day only.
They even get fancy with their handwriting.
And this one tries extra hard to stay on the letter 'trails'.
Then they gather some flowers and sweets,
wrap them all up in tissue paper, and Ta-Da! There they have Valentines and treats for three sweet little girls.
From three sweet little boys.